Is My Office Really Haunted

Well, there are so many stories going around my office that the office is haunted. There are people in my office who have said that they have seen black shadows moving in the office and things have been thrown around the office. They have heard someone crying in the office wash room. The security cameras in the office do not work whenever these things happen and the recorded data from the security cameras get corrupted. There are so many stories about my office which is very hard to believe. Recently, the lady that cleans the wash rooms stopped coming to office and when she was contacted by the office admin she said that she does not want to work in the office anymore because while she was cleaning the wash room she heard a lady crying in the toilet and when she went towards the toilet door the crying increased and when she opened the door she saw a black shadow sitting on the toilet seat and then someone or something violently pulled her hair and threw her towards the wall. This incident really scared her so much that she decided not to come to the office anymore.
I have heard so many stories about my office that it makes me wonder why haven’t I experienced or seen anything abnormal. I also work in the same office and I also use the same wash room like others do then why I don’t come across such things. I spoke to my wife about this and she gave me a good advice. She told me that my trust and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ is protecting me against all the evil things happening in the office so I should not interfere in things which is evil and I should always pray to our Lord Jesus Christ for protection against all evil.
But, there is a question always in my mind “Is my office really haunted?”

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